
Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Unilime SpeedUp app work and help me?

We increase the conversion rate by increasing Core Web Vitals metrics.

Our App boosts your website's Core Web Vitals. As a result, it helps to improve your Conversion Rate and increase Revenue.

What should I do after installing the Unilime SpeedUp app?

You have to choose a tariff plan, and then activate the app functionality by enabling the corresponding toggle switch. Then our application is already up and running, speeding up your online store.

Can I receive a refund if I don't want to use the app?

You can deactivate your subscription plan but the funds for the paid/current period can’t be refunded.

Can I use the same subscription to install the app to all my other stores?

No, this is not possible. Each store is individually charged for each app that is installed.

What is the "Check Performance" feature?

This option provides you with the performance details "before" and "after" our app activation. To receive the correct metrics, be sure that you've enabled SpeedUp boost before checking your performance

Is Unilime SpeedUp compatible with my visitors' browsers?

No worries. Our application is designed not to interfere with the operation of your website for regular visitors in any way.

Will Unilime SpeedUp affect my design and templates?

Absolutely not.

We focus on optimizing JavaScript and images. We do not compromise the integrity of your online store's templates in any way.

Can your app block scripts from any third-party app?

Sure! Unfortunately, some apps might use different methods for loading their scripts, so it can be quite challenging for the app to identify and block them. In case you’ve faced with similar issues, please contact at [email protected]

Why has my site's Google ranking and website traffic not improved?

Google may require additional time to update your page rankings, which could be one reason why your Google page listings aren't updating promptly.

It's essential to understand that SEO doesn't yield immediate impacts on your site's traffic and sales. Typically, it takes about 4 to 6 months to observe significant results. This delay isn't due to our app being slow; rather, it reflects the nature of how Google and other search engines operate. SEO is a long-term endeavor.

Why aren't my Google page listings updating?

It may take several weeks for Google to index your site's new information, so you may not see immediate changes in Google search results from the app's updates. However, you can expedite the process by adhering to Google's official guidelines for requesting a recrawl of your site.

Still have questions?

Please contact us at [email protected]